Thank You WordPress

I started blogging again in July after a two year layoff.  I’m glad I did. Writing, for me, was starting to be a hit or miss process. I would write for days, get burned out, stop for days, repeat, repeat…  I became chained to the book I’m writing, allowing no opportunity to do something new and fresh. In short, I was getting bored and stale.

Following a very depressing July 4th, sitting home alone, while those around me celebrated, I awoke the next day to a creative voice. That “voice” was speaking in verse rather than prose so I decided to go with it. I opened up the blog I hadn’t visited in two years and, to my relief, it was still here waiting for me. I posted four poems that day. To my delight, they were well received. I wrote more.

As mentioned in previous posts, I’ve never written much poetry and never really considered myself to be so inclined. Over the last couple of months however, I’ve come to rethink this stance. Perhaps frame-of-mind is responsible for my inspirational shift. I have been licking the wounds of loss for the past year and that pain has impacted my writing style and content. What better way to express intense emotion than through poetry, right?

Anyway, I received this in a notification last night and was blown away.


I am thrilled that the wonderful WordPress community has embraced my scribbling. Though most of it has been poetry, I plan to return to writing more fiction in the near future. My creative juices are beginning to flow a little more each day.

All the wonderful writers I follow daily are my inspiration. To each and every one of you, I offer my sincere thanks. You are bringing me back to life.

Peace and Love,


About Phil

Hi, my name is Phil. I’ve managed to escape the corporate world, rid myself of excess belongings, travel the country extensively in my old Winnebago, and find a new home on a beautiful barrier island in the Gulf of Mexico. I define myself as: a free spirit, a writer, a philosophical anarchist, a poet; a lover of nature, a lover of art, a protector of animals, as well as a devoted friend and partner
This entry was posted in General, Reflection, Uncategorized, Writing. Bookmark the permalink.

11 Responses to Thank You WordPress

  1. Cheers Phil! 😄🤘🏻

    Liked by 1 person

  2. lodgerofarabica says:

    Glad you came back!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. eddaz says:

    Happy to have you back. Keep blogging💕

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Paulina Angela says:

    a testament to your talent. there is true beauty in the words you lay down.


  5. Sheryl says:

    Way to go Phil! Awesome.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. melmcdona says:

    Congrats! So inspirational!

    Liked by 1 person

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